Technical Support Policy

The technical support policy aims to clarify the procedures and information related to the provision of technical support services to the beneficiaries of the services of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training to support them and support them when technical problems occur that hinder the continuation of the training process.

The management of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training is also committed to providing technical, technical and educational support to all beneficiaries of the learning management system / training platform in all programs on an ongoing basis through the available channels published on the entity’s website/training platform, which are:

Technical Support Channels:

• By communicating through the Contact Us page on the website

• By e-mail: info@cptc.sa

• By calling or (WhatsApp messages) on the number: +96657508800

Services covered by technical support:

• Problems with login data on the site

• Technical problems in showing the content of the course in which it is registered

• Problems with not accessing the program page

• Any technical problems caused during the courses and their presentation

Expected time to respond to technical support requests:

Usually, the response is made during the same day to solve the problem quickly and the maximum time to solve the problem is 48 hours from sending the problem through the mentioned means of communication.

Technical Support Team Working Hours:

Technical support team timings from Saturday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

The procedure to be followed if the request exceeds the specified time for responding (escalation policy for requesting if there is no response within the specified period):

In the event that your problem is not answered, please communicate via the contact form on the website for complaints and suggestions to discuss the reason for the delay and solve the problem as soon as possible.

This policy applies to all beneficiaries of the services of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training and we are committed to ensuring the application of this policy, as all employees in the entity adhere to it, and any violation of this policy exposes the violator to disciplinary action according to the procedures followed in the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training.

Complaints and Suggestions Mechanism

Creative Patterns Center for Health Training follows the following mechanism for submitting complaints and suggestions and how to deal with them:

Complaints and suggestions are submitted through the following means of communication:

Direct contact numbers and WhatsApp: 057508800

Email: info@cptc.sa

The method used in the entity to deal with complaints:

1. The complaint is registered and referred to the concerned department.

2. A specialized team examines the complaint by communicating with the complainant.

3. The problem is resolved and the necessary measures are taken if the complaint is proven to be true in the complainant.

4. The administration shall contact the complainant by phone and inform him of what has been done to resolve the complaint.

The method used in the entity to deal with complaints:

1. The proposal is registered and referred to the concerned department.

2. The proposal applicant is contacted if necessary to obtain additional details of the proposal.

3. The possibility of implementing the proposal is studied by the concerned administration, and then implemented if it is appropriate and achieves the objectives of the Institute.

4. The applicant is contacted to thank

Duration of closing complaints

Complaint processing period:

The time limit for handling a complaint is five working days from the date of filing the complaint. In the event that the center needs an additional period to address the complaint, the customer will be contacted and informed of the progress of the complaint study process.

The procedure to be followed in case the complaint exceeds the time specified for resolving and closing it (the policy of escalating the complaint in case of failure to respond within the specified period)

In this case, it is presented at a higher administrative level for review, and the customer has the right to escalate his complaint to the director of the center through e-mail M.NAHHAS@CPTC.SA / or escalate it to the concerned authorities.

Beneficiary Identity Verification Systems

Patterns of Creativity Center for Health Training is committed to verifying the identity of the beneficiary through the mechanisms it uses when registering subscribers, and it is done through two steps:

• Through a code that reaches the trainee via SMS on his own number

• Or a code via the registered email

• This verification is done every time the trainee logs in to the site.

Obligation to respect intellectual property rights and copyright

At the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training, we are committed to intellectual property rights when publishing.

Respect intellectual property rights when designing training courses on our training platform or on any of our own accounts on social networking sites such as photos, promotional posters and other published materials.

The trainer’s commitment to intellectual property rights when writing the course content.

We carry out the task of converting the scientific content prepared by the trainers into digital content, and the trainers involved in the preparation of the content are obligated to respect intellectual property and publishing rights and to refer to all references and sources used in writing the course content. Before starting the trainer, the trainer acknowledges that the intellectual property of the content written by the Leadership Training Center, it should be noted that any process of writing the course content by the Leadership Training Center is preceded by a license by the trainer of the course provided and the management of the Leadership Training Center.

The trainer’s commitment when uploading content to the center’s training platform

The trainer of the center acknowledges that all content uploaded to the training platform, including recorded courses, test questions or questionnaires, must take into account respect for intellectual property rights and copyright principles, and the trainer acknowledges that all courses uploaded on the platform become at the disposal of the Leadership Training Center represented, so that the center can use them for development or training purposes.

Commitment to the policy of preserving and using materials in the center’s training platform

The center provides a set of systems and programs for trainees to benefit from, such as the e-training system, the virtual classroom system through visual communication applications and other digital systems. The use of these programs entails the production of a set of contents and materials, some of which are uploaded by the user in the form of files of various kinds and others produced by the system in the form of statistical data on the trainee’s attendance rate, his interaction with the course content, and monitoring the grades he has achieved in the tests. The disposal of these materials is also subject to a clear policy formulated by the Leadership Training Center, during which intellectual property rights and publishing and use laws were taken into account in order to tighten the classification of materials according to their degree of sensitivity, the size of their confidentiality and the risks associated with them, and the necessary policies were developed to control and benefit from them for the benefit of the training system of the Leadership Training Center.

– Both the trainer and the trainee are obligated to fully maintain the login information to the training platform and not to disclose it to anyone else, as it is his own only.

– Both the trainer and the trainee are obliged, in the event that there are discount codes for tests or courses, to maintain them and use them for himself for the purpose of registration, whether in the center’s courses or test centers, and not to distribute them to other people.

– All training materials and bags are available in the trainee’s account, they are located in his account so that he can access them at any time, so they are not publishable and distributable, whether on the Internet or printed. It is one of the rights of the Leadership Training Center.

Guide to the supervisory staff on the training environment

Supervisory Staff Guide for the Training Environment – CP Health Training (health-cptc.sa)

Alerts System Guide

The Creative Patterns Center for Health Training is interested in providing training courses and consultations. Please note that courses offered online do not include any end-of-course exams or tests.

The site allows obtaining training courses by subscribing to the site and downloading the course after verifying your identity and completing the registration process.

The website offers an electronic alerts system to continuously alert learners about the tasks required to enhance the continuity of learning and monitor tasks within the curriculum. Notifications and links appear to participants.

The alert system is used to alert participants about a variety of notifications, such as how long technical support remains for course, workshops, etc. The alerts system provides various notifications that suit the purpose of the message, and notifications appear when you click on the notification link.

Virtual and Standard Attendance Policy

• The center implements short development courses remotely and the trainee is considered present for the course according to the number of days and hours approved in the course license without a difference between regular and virtual attendance.

• The center implements the theoretical parts of diplomas and qualifying courses remotely, while training on the practical parts is carried out in person.

• Distance training is considered equal to in-person training in passing, duration, number of hours and program name.

• Virtual attendance: The number of students attending diplomas and qualifying and development courses is 25 trainees in each training base. It should increase by 25% based on the experience of the trainer and the type of training program.

• Regular attendance: The number of students attending diplomas and qualifying and development courses is 25 trainees in each training base. To increase by 25% based on the experience of the trainer and the type of training program (precautionary measures apply).

E-Attendance Policy

The website of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training offers online courses with the same high quality and performance through e-training platforms (Zoom).  
The beneficiary of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training website must attend online courses at least 75% of the program time. In case of non-compliance with this percentage, his right to obtain the certificate or a refund of training fees will be lost. Preparation for the course is carried out electronically through a link sent during varying periods during the duration of the course.  
The beneficiary of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training website must adhere to the time specified for training. In case of absence from the course without a legitimate excuse acceptable to the center’s management, his right to a refund of training fees will be forfeited.  
General provisions for attending online courses:  
The beneficiary of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training website can learn about the training courses after registering on the center’s website and purchasing the courses through the site.  
The beneficiary of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training website can participate in the training courses through the website, make a payment and transfer the subscription fees to the center’s account or through multiple electronic payment methods.  
The beneficiary of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training website has the right to withdraw his subscription from the training course at least 48 hours before the start of the program, provided that he submits an official excuse. In this case, the platform administration will charge a usage fee not exceeding 10% of the value of the training course from which you want to withdraw.  
Creative Patterns Center for Health Training reserves the right to amend the system of implementing courses without prior notice in order to achieve the public interest.  
Patterns of Creativity for Health Training Center also reserves the right to amend the attendance policy without prior notice.

Academic Integrity Policy

This policy aims to clarify the importance of the commitment of all beneficiaries of the services of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training to integrity in the e-training environment and to clarify the forms of integrity violation, procedures and penalties taken by the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training when integrity is violated in the e-training environment, as well as to reduce the occurrence of such violations.

The concept of integrity and the importance of adhering to it:

Integrity is a basic requirement in all dealings within the center, which emphasizes the importance of honesty and honesty for everyone in the electronic training environment, including trainers, trainees and administrators.

It is an ethical system for trainers, trainees and all employees of the center to organize their work and provide them with assets and principles that control their behavior. Integrity includes many topics, the most important of which are confronting cheating in tests, stealing research, submitting projects that are not produced by trainees, manipulating results,bias, falsifying documents or circumventing laws. Therefore, anything that violates the rights of others and contributes to the provision of misleading information or unauthentic projects is a violation of integrity.

Forms of integrity violation and the procedures and penalties taken by the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training when violating integrity in the e-training environment, as well as to reduce the occurrence of such violations:

Cheating: from the transfer of the work of others and the unauthorized use of any notes, information and materials in academic exams or other tasks assigned to the trainee.

Plagiarism: quoting the phrases and works of others, and unauthorized use of intellectual and literary blogs or any information in any academic test, without referring to them as a reference

Misuse of academic aid: An intern exploits the work of a colleague who provides him with academic assistance in good faith, such as being quoted from a special report drawn up by that trainee or from an old test, or a project prepared by a colleague, without informing him.

Exploitation of cooperation: The trainee relies on another trainee within his group to accomplish a joint assignment/work, or exploits another trainee to accomplish individual duties and requirements to accomplish a training stage or program.

Fabrication and forgery: The trainee changes the information available to him or fabricates it in an academic test/assignment, or presents a false medical certificate in order to be absent from attendance.

Impersonation other than his original personality: The trainee claims to be another in class, in a test or exam, or in any kind of training or academic assignment. In this case, the impersonating trainee and the impersonated trainee will be punished.

This policy applies to all beneficiaries of the services of the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training and we are committed to ensuring the application of this policy, as all employees in the entity adhere to it, and any violation of this policy exposes the violator to disciplinary action according to the procedures followed in the Creative Patterns Center for Health Training.

Disciplinary Procedures:

In the event of impersonation or fraud, the Disciplinary Committee has the right, after proving the violations referred to it, to impose one or more of the following penalties:

– Warning orally and documenting this with a written undertaking or warning in writing.

– Temporary suspension of the account and deprivation of enjoyment of the platform’s services.

-If tests are available, the course test will be canceled in cases of cheating.

– Denial of scientific recommendation

– Not counting the number of hours for the training course.

– The account will be completely closed in case of repetition.

The information of each team and the mechanism of communication with them

Team Information and Communication Methods – CP Health Training (health-cptc.sa)

Training Guide

Training guide – CP Health Training (health-cptc.sa)

Questionnaire to measure the satisfaction of the trainer and the trainee

As part of the Patterns of Creativity Center for Health Training’s commitment to enhancing training quality and improving the efficiency of healthcare professionals, we have developed a questionnaire to measure satisfaction. This feedback is collected via Zoom after the completion of training programs, with the goal of improving both in-person and online educational processes.

Step 1: Preparing the Questionnaire

Define the objectives of the questionnaire and set key indicators that align with these goals. Determine the specific data and information to be collected.

Convert the objectives into a series of open and closed questions.

Test the questionnaire on a small group to gather feedback and make necessary revisions to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

Step 2: Finalizing and Distributing the Questionnaire

Finalize the questionnaire based on feedback.

Distribute it to both trainers and trainees via email or WhatsApp for completion.

Analyze the responses received from participants.

Conduct statistical analysis of the data for deeper insights.

Compare the results with the pre-set indicators to assess goal achievement, ensuring this is completed within one week of the training’s conclusion.

Step 3: Utilizing the Results

Use the findings to enhance and refine training plans.

Improve the overall training and educational experience.

Boost performance quality in line with industry standards and beneficiary satisfaction.

Address any issues or challenges faced by participants during the training.

Virtual Classroom Policy

E-attendance is essential for learner success in e-learning and distance education. Simultaneous electronic attendance means the trainee is virtually present on the platform, connected via the internet through a computer or mobile device, and confirmed to be participating in real time.

Key e-attendance policies:

1. The platform administration is responsible for tracking, supervising, and monitoring trainees’ access to the virtual platform.

2. Trainees’ attendance and absence in virtual lectures are recorded and monitored through the virtual classroom system.

3. Attendance reports are regularly sent to trainers for review.

4. Trainees are notified of their e-attendance rates on the virtual platform.

5. Failure to meet the minimum required e-attendance (at least 25%) will result in the trainee being considered absent from the entire program and disqualified from receiving a certificate.

6. A minimum of 25% simultaneous attendance hours is required.

7. Virtual attendance is considered equivalent to in-person attendance.